This is Quinton Gregory’s blog, where he writes about life, religion, social issues and third-person “About Me” sections. He is also trying creative writing on for size, and would like you to read that as well.


In addition to those things, Quinton also loves to write satire and use big words while pretending he didn’t have to look them up. You can find his articles here, and his creative writing here.

He’s not great at parties but that’s never stopped him from going, even though he’d prefer to be at a smoky pub playing pool and nursing an overpriced beer. He graduated from Texas Christian University in Fort Worth, TX, where he majored in Philosophy and English. He is now a law student at Arizona State, where it is very hot and dry and he spends most of his time indoors. The world is a scary place. He also speaks some German, so…ja. You can email him here if you really want to, he promises he’ll reply.

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